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PEP Academic Seminar in English
. Academic Seminar in English Study Program PEP PPs UNY is held every Friday morning. This activity aims to improve the English language skills of PEP Study Program lecturers. Friday 12 April 2019 at 07.30 West Indonesia Time in Room 3.16 Post-UNY Creative Building, PEP Study Program Lecturer attended the Academy Seminar in English with presenter Dr. Syukrul Hamdi.
Dr. Syukurl Hamdi is a new lecturer at Yogyakarta State University who is also a graduate of the PEP PPs UNY Study Program. Before being accepted as CPNS at UNY, Dr. Syukrul Hamdi is the Head of the Department of Mathematics Education at Hamzanwadi University, Lombok. Dr. Syukrul Hamdi delivered material related to his pubish article in the International Journal of Instruction. The article was titled Developing a Teslet Model for Mathematics at Elementary School. The purpose of the research conducted by Dr. Syukrul Hamdi, namely developing a Mathematical test instrument for the Teslet model for classroom assessment in elementary schools. The study was conducted in East Lombok, with a total sample of 711 elementary school students. Dr. Syukrul Hamdi ie there are differences in the score of the results of the assessment using the Testlet compared to using multiple choice, with t values of 7,864. Dr. Syukrul Hamdi explained the advantages of using the test instrument of the testlet model that is able to accommodate the breakdown questions that were made in multiple choice and more objective in conducting the assessment. Dr. Syukrul Hamdi hopes that the results of his research can be used by Mathematics teachers in particular to measure student achievement. (YR)
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