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PEP Student's Orientation
In the 2019 academic year, the Education Research and Evaluation Study Program (PEP) received a total of 57 students, with details of 40 for master's degrees and 17 for doctoral degrees. As part of the opening of the new academic year, the PEP study program organizes a Campus Life Introduction Program for New Students or better known as PKKMB.
PKKMB PEP study program is held in the Hall of Creative Buildings Postgraduate Program (PPs) Yogyakarta State University (UNY). The PKKMB activities of the PEP study program were attended by all 2019 students, both master and doctoral levels. PKKMB PEP study program is filled with activities to introduce study programs delivered directly by Prof. Dr. Badrun Kartowagiran as Chairperson of the PEP Study Program and Dr. Edi Istiyono, M.Pd. as Secretary of the PEP Study Program. In this activity students are invited to present matters relating to the study program.
PKKMB PEP study program is running smoothly. The enthusiasm of new students in participating in this activity was very high. Some of them did not hesitate to ask about the study program PEP to the study program leader or study program secretary.
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Email: pps@uny.ac.id, humas_pps@uny.ac.id
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