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Prof. Dr. Badrun Kartowagiran/ Kartowagiran

Artikel/jurnal yang pernah dibuat:
No |
Tahun |
Judul Artikel Ilmiah |
Volume/ Nomor |
Nama Jurnal |
Posisi |
1999 |
Pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dalam penelitian tindakan di bidang psikologi |
Kontroversi/ Univ Malang |
Author |
2005 |
Analisis kritis terhadap ujian akhir nasional |
Dinamika/ Diknik Mesin |
Author |
2006 |
Hubungan subtes kemampuan verbal, kuantitatif, penalaran dengan TPA untuk calon mahasiswa non-reguler |
Jurnal HEPI/ Pascasarjana UNY |
Author |
2007 |
Validitas prediktif tes masuk SMP di D.I. Yogyakarta |
Jurnal HEPI/ Pascasarjana UNY |
Author |
2008 |
Uji unidimensionalitas soal UAN Matematika SMP Tahun 2007 |
Volume 40, Nomor 1, Tahun 2010 |
Jurnal HEPI/ Pascasarjana UNY |
Author |
2011 |
Pengembangan instrumen pengukur hasil belajar NIR bias dan terskala baku |
Jurnal HEPI/ Tahun 15 Nomor 2, 2011 |
Jurnal HEPI/ Pascasarjana UNY |
Co-author |
2011 |
Kinerja guru profesional (pasca sertifikasi) |
Cakrawala Pendidikan November 2011, Ta hun XXX, 8 No. 3 |
Cakrawala Pendidikan/ Lembaga Penelitian |
Author |
2014 |
Pengembangan model evaluasi program layanan pendidikan anak usia dini |
Jurnal HEPI/ Vol 18 Nomor 1, Tahun 2014 |
Jurnal HEPI/ Pascasarjana UNY |
Co-author |
2014 |
Pengembangan instrumen penilaian kinerja guru Sekolah Dasar |
Jurnal HEPI/ Vol 18 Nomor 2, Tahun 2014 |
Jurnal HEPI/ Pascasarjana UNY |
Co-author |
2015 |
Evaluation model for Islamic education learning in Junior High School and its significance to students’ behaviours |
Vol 3, No. 8, 990-995, Tahun 2015 |
American Journal of Educational Research |
Author |
2016 |
Model penilaian autentik untuk menilai hasil belajar siswa SMP |
Vol 20, No. 2, Tahun 2016 |
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
Author |
2016 |
A separation index and fit items of creative thinking1 Skills assessment |
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2016 (pages 1-12) |
Research and Evaluation in Education |
Co-author |
2016 |
Evaluasi dan strategi pengembangan SMA Indonesisch Nerderlandsche School (INS) Kayutanam |
Volume 20, No 1, Juni 2016 (27-44) |
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
Co-author |
2017 |
Why are the Mathematics National Examination Items Difficult and What Is Teachers’ Strategy to Overcome It? |
Vol.10, No.3, 2017
International Journal of Instruction |
Co-author |
2017 |
A construct of the instrument for measuring junior high school mathematics teacher’s self-efficacy |
3(1), 2017, 64-76 |
Research and Evaluation in Education |
Co-author |
2017 |
Development and validity of mathematical learning Assessment instruments based on multiple intelligence |
Volume 21, No 1, June 2017 (93-103) |
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
Co-author |
2017 |
Model evaluasi kinerja dosen: Pengembangan instrumen untuk mengevaluasi kinerja dosen |
Volume 21, No 2, December 2017 (206-214) |
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
Co-author |
2018 |
The Equating of Battery Test Packages of Mathematics National Examination 2013-2016 |
SHS Web of Conferences 42, 00022 (2018) |
SHS Web of Conferences 42, 00022 (2018) |
Author |
2018 |
A factor analysis of an instrument for measuring physical abuse experience of students at school |
4(1), 2018, 22-34 |
Research and Evaluation in Education |
Co-author |
2018 |
Developing a Testlet Model for Mathematics at Elementary Level |
July 2018, Vol.11, No.3, pp. 375-390 |
International Journal of Instruction |
Co-author |
2018 |
Developing Delta Internal Quality Assurance to Evaluate the Quality of Indonesian Islamic Universities |
2018; Vol. 9 (3), pp. 177-197 |
Journal of Social Studies Education Research |
Co-author |
2018 |
Construct validity pedagogy competency instrument of teaching and learning practice program (TLPP) students: Unidimensional confirmatory factor analysis |
Vol. 5(8) 2018, Pages: 24-33 |
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences |
Co-author |
2018 |
The Instrument Development to Evaluate Local Curriculum in Indonesia |
October 2018, Vol.11, No.4 |
International Journal of Instruction |
Co-author |
2018 |
Pengembangan model akreditasi Sekolah menengah atas/madrasah aliyah (SMA/MA) |
Volume 22, No 1, June 2018 (105-117) |
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan
Co-author |
2018 |
Modeling Of Cultural Effect On School Autonomy At Religion-Based School In Indonesia |
JPII 7 (3) (2018) 364-375 |
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia |
Co-author |
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